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Planning for Peru – How Soon is Too Soon

The New Normal? Light at the end of the tunnel? Reopening phases 1, 2, and 3?

What does it all mean for your travel plans?

Every country is in a different stage of recovery when it comes to Covid-19, and every country is doing things differently. What is Peru doing and is it too soon to start planning travel there?

Join Don Forster, General Manager of Goway’s Central & South America department and Jimena Barrera, Goway’s local regional manager and guru on all things Peru. Together they will answer these important questions, discuss Peru’s current travel restrictions, health and safety measures, and how and when Peru will open back up to the world.

If you have a specific question – Covid-19 related or not – that you would like Jimena or Don to answer about Peru, fill out the form below by 26 Jun’20 to submit your question. If your question is chosen and you attend the webinar you will receive not only an answer to your question, cool info, and insight into Peru, but also $50 on your Goway rewards card.

We’re all itching to get back out there, and so are our globetrotters. Get all the information they need to get back out there and travel safely in the world’s greatest destinations

Have a question you would like to ask our Peru experts? Fill out the form below and they will answer your question during the webinar.


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